Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ut Oh! I'm At It Again.

Well my husband says I can last no longer than a year before adding someone new to the family. This is Sadie. We adopted Sadie from a gentleman who rescued a litter of black labs and is going overseas and wanted to find Sadie a good home. We were glad to help and she is fitting in just fine. The ironic part about it is, last year my black lab freaked out during a storm, hopped the fence and we never saw her again. The resemblence is uncanny. So yes, I am at it again and I don't think I will ever stop:)..*♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ ♥*¨


Beedeebabee said...

Good Morning Terry! Sadie is a beauty! What a lovely addition to your critter family. So sorry about your other dog. It is strange how things work out sometimes, isn't it? Have a great day Sweetie. Hugs, Paulette ;)

Terry¨*♥ ♥**♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ said...

Hi Paulette. Ty , yes she is a beauty. Things do work out sometimes, don't they. Have fun! xxoxo

Chatty Crone said...

Good Morning and good for you. Animals are wonderful, I have allergies and I miss having one. So enjoy one for me.

Kindred Sisters said...

Sorry about losing your other dog during a storm! Hopefully someone as kind as you took her in and made her a loving home. I'm a sucker too for any needy animal. Our next door neighbors took in a beagle pup that their daughter was supposed to be taking once she moved in to an apartment. Now that she's moved in, they won't allow it. The neighbors had 3 other dogs, now 4, and they let them all run loose. We're always worried they're going to get hit by a car. Hubby calls the beagle over to our front porch daily to "train" him. LOL! I've never met a puppy I didn't want to keep.

Warm regards,
